On: 15 SEP 2023 – the G 20 Summit’s Delhi declaration has included 6 major points raised by L20 Joint Statement. Skill updating; Universal Social Security; Decent Wages; International portability of Social Security benefits; Gig & Platform workers issues; elimination of Child Labour and also framing an International mechanism for skill-based migration.
Other concerns like MSMEs as engines of growth by creating employment; Artificial Intelligence; Quality technical education; Women-led development; participation of women in the world of work and ensuring workplace safety for Women workers were also part of the declaration.
The Labour 20 India under the Chairmanship of BMS has formed five Task forces comprising International Labour experts, Academicians and Labour Economists. All the task forces have submitted their reports. The Employment Working Group, the Business 20 have also taken L20 recommendations seriously and there was a consensus on these issues. The same points were also discussed in the Labour & Employment Ministers meeting held at Indore in July. Labour Ministers of different countries were in agreement with the issues raised by Labour 20. Now the G20 summit considered L20 concerns. The declaration has given more thrust to Skills which will be future thrust points in the changing world of work.
The Labour 20 India thanks all the G20 leaders especially Prime Minister of Bharath Sri Narendra Modi for the historic declaration. We also thank the Ministry of Labour & Employment; Ministry of External Affairs; Civil 20; Business 20; Youth 20; Science 20; Think20; Women 20 engagement groups and also the Labour 20 delegates for their cooperation.